Exciting times for SISD! Wood from the Old Gym floor will be repurposed into a Nostalgic Memory Wall. #MustangSpirit #whereeachchildmatters
Congratulations to BRODIE CAUTHERN for receiving another CTE Certification! #MustangSpirit #whereeachchildmatters
THANK YOU to our Youth Success Advisor Ruth Ann Campbell & Workforce Solutions of West Central Texas for helping our students to succeed! THANK YOU to ROLLING PLAINS MEMORIAL HOSPITAL & TJ Wilson for providing an opportunity for MALIK BROWN to job shadow. YOUR PARTNERSHIPS are INVALUABLE to our Students! #MustangSpirit #whereeachchildmatters
CONGRATS to our 5-4A Girls Golf District Champions (Back-to-Back)! #MustangSpirit #whereeachchildmatters
Our Varsity Theatre Troupe has been named as an Advancing Play at the Bi-District One Act Play Festival on Wednesday, March 27th. They will continue on to the Area Festival in Graham, Tx on April 11th.
Individual Awards include:
Braidyn Sisk - Honorable Mention All Star Cast,
Megan Bohall- All Star Cast,
James Hefner - All Star Cast
Congratulations to SETH SOSA for receiving a CTE Certification! #MustangSpirit #whereeachchildmatters
Yucca Gloriosa is Saturday, April 6th! #MustangSpirit #whereeachchildmatters
THANK YOU to our Youth Success Advisor Ruth Ann Campbell & Workforce Solutions of West Central Texas for helping our students to succeed! THANK YOU to THE SHOP & Becky Acuna for providing an opportunity for KYLER TOLAND to job shadow. YOUR PARTNERSHIPS are INVALUABLE to our Students! #MustangSpirit #whereeachchildmatters
CLASS OF 2024 SENIOR PARENTS: There will be a BLOWOUT MEETING in the SHS Library on Sunday, April 7th @ 2:00. #MustangSpirit #whereeachchildmatters
CONGRATULATIONS to MASON ROYAL on your graduation from Sweetwater High School! #MustangSpirit #whereeachchildmatters
Congratulations to ALEJANDRO ORDUNA for receiving another CTE Certification! #MustangSpirit #whereeachchildmatters
Herff Jones will be @ SHS on Wednesday, April 3rd, from 11:30am to 1:00pm to hand out cap and gowns to Seniors who have ordered. #MustangSpirit #whereeachchildmatters
Exciting times for SISD! Progress continues on the NEW TENNIS COURTS at SHS! #MustangSpirit #whereeachchildmatters
Congratulations to JOSIAH HARDIN-DAVIS for receiving more CTE Certifications! #MustangSpirit #whereeachchildmatters
We CELEBRATE our valued Special Educators who find ways to help our students overcome whatever challenges they may be facing. THANK YOU Jearlyn Allen! #MustangSpirit #whereeachchildmatters
We CELEBRATE our valued Special Educators who find ways to help our students overcome whatever challenges they may be facing. THANK YOU Jearlyn Allen! #MustangSpirit #whereeachchildmatters
THANK YOU to our students Faith Holtman & Amanda Vera for taking care of the flags at SHS! #MustangSpirit #whereeachchildmatters
Save this date for Yearly Physicals! #MustangSpirit #whereeachchildmatters
Exciting times for SISD! Wood from the Old Gym flooring will be incorporated in a display design in one of the new buildings. SISD is rich in history & traditions.
#MustangSpirit #whereeachchildmatters
Exciting times for SISD! Work has begun on the NEW TENNIS COURTS at SHS! #MustangSpirit #whereeachchildmatters