6th Grade racing cars with balloons for science in the hallway!, doing their greatest!
about 2 years ago, Sweetwater ISD
students standing in the hallways with cars powered by air in balloons
Reminder: We are on Christmas Holiday Break from December 19th until January 3rd! Have Fun, Students!
about 2 years ago, Sweetwater ISD
Sweetwater ISD christmas holiday graphic with the dates december 19th through January 3rd out of school, have fun students!
Christmas FUN @ SMS! #MustangSpirit #whereeachchildmatters
about 2 years ago, Sweetwater ISD
students holding up their wrapped gifts with holiday sweaters on in the gym
students holding up their wrapped gifts with holiday sweaters on in the gym
students holding up their wrapped gifts with holiday sweaters on in the gym
staff member standing next to a door with a christmas tree crafted
Happy Friday, Mustangs! This afternoon at 1:30, our phones are scheduled to be ported to our new provider. This may cause a short drop in service for campus lines as they are rerouted in the PBX. Service to 325-235-7700 will continue to be available throughout the change.
over 2 years ago, Sonya Davison