More St. Patricks's Day fun in art today!

Mr. Roberts class made St. Patricks's Day masks during art today! #GrowingMustangsOneStudentAtATime

In February, we focused on various careers during social skills lessons with Mrs. Angie. Kindergarten got the opportunity to spend time in our construction room. We read books about different jobs in construction and then we got to explore! #GrowingMustangsOneStudentAtATime

Spring break is coming! SISD will dismiss at 12:30 on Friday, 3/14. We will return on Monday 3/24.

Golden Ticket winners for Southeast Elementary. They show outstanding behavior and kindness toward others. What a great way to be kind! Keep up the awesome work!
#MustangSpirit #ForwardSweetwaterTogether

Fox in Socks day fun!

One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish fun!!

Thank you to the Jaycees for teaching us about snakes!

Wacky Wednesday Fun!

Congrats to Kindergarten for Oustanding Attendance TODAY! Keep up the fantastic work!
#MustangSpirit #ForwardSweetwaterTogether

Hat Day fun

Congratulations to Mrs. Weaver's class for getting the M-U-S-T-A-N-G-S spell out! They had a Pizza Party, treat, and Peaches Attendance Trophy.
#MustangSpirit #ForwardSweetwaterTogether

Today was Green Eggs and Ham Day. I was not able to get around to the classes for pictures today, but here are some the staff sent me. Tomorrow is Cat in The Hat Day. Wear a hat!! It will be super windy, so it might be best to send one they can hang on to easily or put in their backpack between the building and the car/bus.

These students won prizes for making good choices and demonstrating amazing attitudes toward staff and others.
#MustangSpirit #ForwardSweetwaterTogether

16 Southeast students made Perfect Semester Attendance 2024-2025. There was a drawing and two winners won a bag full of goodies and toys. Congrats!!
#MustangSpirit #ForwardSweetwaterTogether

Career Day pics! #GrowingMustangsOneStudentAtATime

We are collecting pre-filled eggs for our Easter Egg hunt on April 17th. We will have more information about the egg hunt in April.

Dr. Seuss Day in the Cafeteria
Monday, March 3rd.

Celebrate Dr. Seuss's Birthday with us next week!!

Southeast Elementary had a overall attendance of 96.55% TODAY! WAY TO GO!!
#MustangSpirit #ForwardSweetwaterTogether