Happy Thanksgiving from Southeast Elementary! #MustangSpirit #whereeachchildmatters

We are so thankful for our families!! Thank you for joining us for lunch this week! #MustangSpirit #WhereEachChildMatters


THANK YOU to the SHS National Honor Society for serving Thanksgiving meals at our SISD campuses. We APPRECIATE you & your leader Liz Miller! #MustangSpirit #whereeachchildmatters

HAPPY THANKSGIVING FROM SOUTHEAST ELEMENTARY! We are grateful for our FAMILIES! #MustangSpirit #whereeachchildmatters

HAPPY THANKSGIVING FROM SOUTHEAST ELEMENTARY! We are grateful for our amazing cafeteria ladies that make the best meals! #MustangSpirit #whereeachchildmatters


Popcorn is in!! If your child is in Kindergarten, their popcorn order is ready to be picked up. We are working on sorting pre-k popcorn and hope to have it ready by tomorrow afternoon!

No School Next Week! Enjoy your Thanksgiving!!


World Kindness Day!

Mustang Families, ask your students if they are ready to start the kindness challenge tomorrow.

Mustangs, get ready for Fall Kindness week!

Mustangs, get ready for Fall Kindness week!

#MustangSpirit #whereeachchildmatters

VETERANS DAY PARADE at Southeast Elementary! THANK YOU to Mark Taylor, Wayne Bryant, Gary Fullwood, Robert R. McBride, Patty McBride, Donis McKlusky, Tina Melendez, Randy Melendez, Matt Andel & Billy Weems FOR YOUR SERVICE! #MustangSpirit #whereeachchildmatters

Thank you to our Veterans for your service and sacrifices. Thank you for defending us and protecting our rights. Thank you for allowing us to show you we are thankful! #MustangSpirit #WhereEachChildMatters

Mustangs, get ready for Fall Kindness week!

There is a fall festival at Sterling Hills Nursing and Rehab tonight. See the flyer for more info.

Mustangs, get ready for Fall Kindness week!