Kindergarten students need to be in the auditorium by 5:30 to sit with their teacher in line order, so we can get on the risers on time.


May 1st-Principals Day! We are excited to celebrate the hard work our SISD Principals do each day for our campuses. Introducing Tina Melendez, Principal @ Southeast Elementary . What Mrs. Melendez believes is most rewarding about being a Principal is getting to build relationships with students, parents, teachers and staff! Thank you Mrs. Melendez for all you do for our SISD students, and staff @ Southeast Elementary! We appreciate your thoughtfulness and willingness to help others!
#MustangSpirit #whereeachchildmatters

Motor lab fun @ Southeast!
#Mustangspirit @#whereachchildmatters

SISD loves our SISD substitutes!
#MustangSpirit #whereeachchildmatters

Pre-K classes visited May Farm in Hawley, Tx April 21,2023. Train rides, petting animals ,hay rides ,and ending the day with a picnic lunch.
#MustangSpirit #whereeachchildmatters

Mrs.Kittelson,Mrs.Arce,and Mrs.Scaggs PreK classes are ready for a fun day @ the May Farm!
#MustangSpirit #whereeachchildmatters

No School Friday April 7th and Monday April 10th. Have a Happy Easter!

Please join us for Reading Night!

Southeast will release at 12:30 on Friday, March 10th. Students and staff will return to school March 20th. Have a safe and happy break!!

On January 31 and February 1, our district chose to cancel school due to weather. In our calendar, we have two bad weather days, February 20 and April 7. Rather than using bad weather days to make up for the days missed, our district has chosen to use banked minutes to make up for these days. Thus, February 20 and April 7 will both be holidays, and our district will be closed.

Sweetwater ISD will start at 10:00am Thursday, February 2, 2023. Buses will run on pavement only.

Due to hazardous road conditions, Sweetwater ISD will be closed for WEDNESDAY, February 1, 2023.

Due to changing and potentially dangerous road conditions, the Sweetwater Independent School District will be closed for today, January 31, 2023.

Check out the Parent Engagement Conference!

There will be no school on Friday, January 13th and Monday, January 16th.

Reminder: We are on Christmas Holiday Break from December 19th until January 3rd! Have Fun, Students!

Thank you to Dr. Deidre Parish's Kindergarten Friends who made beaded candy canes, colored ornaments, handprint Santas and paper chains for the Mustang Red Christmas tree in her office. THANK YOU to the Southeast Elementary students in Dooley, Goolsby, Highsmith, Kenyon, Martinez, Niksich and Thompson for the beautiful decorations! #MustangSpirit #whereeachchildmatters

Happy Friday, Mustangs! This afternoon at 1:30, our phones are scheduled to be ported to our new provider. This may cause a short drop in service for campus lines as they are rerouted in the PBX. Service to 325-235-7700 will continue to be available throughout the change.