Spring break is approaching!
1 day ago, Monica Blueford
Spring Break
Please provide additional clothes to keep in your child's cubby. Engaging in play and learning activities may soiled clothing. We appreciate your attention to this matter. Thank you.
3 days ago, Monica Blueford
Southeast Early Childhood has been placed on a medical hold.
3 days ago, Sonya Davison
HEAD START ONLY! 🌟 Exciting Field Trip to the Roundup! 🌟 Hey everyone! We’re thrilled to announce our upcoming field trip to the Roundup on Friday, March 14th! We’ll be heading out together at 8:45 AM, so make sure to bring your smiles and enthusiasm! Great news for our awesome parents: if you join us, you can enjoy **FREE admission**! 🎉 We’ll aim to be back for an early release at 12:30 PM, so you can enjoy the rest of your day. Can’t wait for all the fun! See you all there! 😊
6 days ago, Monica Blueford
Round up trip
Join our Southeast Early Childhood team and help nurture and educate young children. Your contribution will help them build a strong foundation for a head start in life! Apply online: sweetwaterisd.net
14 days ago, Monica Blueford
Program aide hire
We are currently accepting applications for the school year 2024-2025 for the Head Start and Early Head Start programs. We invite you to visit us on Thursdays between 9 AM and 2 PM with the required information, and our staff will assist you with the enrollment process for your child. Thank you for your interest in our programs.
15 days ago, Monica Blueford
We know how important it is to spend quality time with your little ones, so we invite all superheroes to join us for a special evening of dancing on Tuesday, March 11th. Come hungry, and let’s create joyful memories together as you dance the night away with your child. We can't wait to see you there!
22 days ago, Monica Blueford
Fatherhood dance
There will be no school on Monday, February 17th, in observance of Presidents' Day, and Tuesday, February 18th, which is Inservice Day.
about 1 month ago, Monica Blueford
No  School
Southeast Elementary and Southeast Early Childhood experienced brief power outages this morning. Power was restored very quickly though phones may have experienced a brief interruption.
about 1 month ago, Sonya Davison
Head Start programs help children prepare to succeed in school and life through learning experiences tailored to their changing needs and abilities. Early Learning and Development Our programs are: Building strong relationships as the foundational driver for early learning Engaging families in their child’s learning and recognizing parents as a child’s first and most influential teacher Implementing effective practices to promote children’s growth in five key domains: approaches to learning, social and emotional development, language and literacy, cognition, and physical development Encouraging learning through play, creative expression, and guided activities with schedules and lesson plans that include the cultural and language heritage of each child and family in relevant ways Creating welcoming learning environments in indoor and outdoor settings that are well-organized and safe Conducting ongoing screenings and assessments to ensure each child is making progress and collaborating with parents and community agencies when further assessment is needed Supporting the full inclusion of children with disabilities and building on their strengths Health and Wellness Our programs are: Engaging all children in both indoor and outdoor physical activity Serving breakfast, lunch, and snacks that are healthy and nutritious Ensuring children receive medical, dental, hearing, vision, and behavioral screening Making sure children brush their teeth after meals and promoting oral health and hygiene Helping families understand and support their child’s health and behavioral health needs Assisting with mental health services for children and families, as needed Building resilience to help children and families heal from traumatic experiences or events and overwhelming situations Family Well-being Our programs are: Providing parenting support and strategies Supporting parental health and links to community services during pregnancy Connecting families to community and federal assistance Assisting families in identifying and reaching their goals and dreams, including those related to finances and economic mobility, housing, employment, and education Providing a career pathway in early care and education — about 25% of program staff are former Head Start parents! Family Engagement Our programs are: Inviting parents to share information and insights about their child Celebrating the role of fathers and male caregivers through father engagement Engaging parents as their child’s lifelong advocate Welcoming parents to offer ways to improve children's and families' experiences in the program, including through leadership roles on the Policy Council Supporting child and family transitions when the child is ready for the next step, to Head Start, kindergarten, or another early childhood program Meeting Community Needs To reach the children and families who need Head Start services the most, programs are designed according to community needs. Directly funded at the local level, Head Start programs tailor their programs as appropriate for families in the designated service area. These programs may be provided in different settings and hours according to the needs indicated by their community assessment. Federal-to-Local Funding Model The federal government funds Head Start programs through the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families. Across the country, school districts, nonprofit and for-profit groups, faith-based institutions, tribal councils, and other organizations qualify to become a Head Start recipient and receive federal funding. The federal-to-local model allows local leaders to create a Head Start experience that is responsive to the unique and specific needs of their community. Many programs are combining funding from federal, state, and local sources to maximize service delivery and continuity. Head Start Collaboration Offices facilitate partnerships between Head Start agencies and other state entities that provide services to benefit low-income children and their families. Migrant and Seasonal Head Start (MSHS) programs serve children ages birth to 5 from families engaged in agricultural work, either seasonally or across geographic regions. American Indian and Alaska Native (AIAN) Head Start programs serve children from federally recognized tribes and others in their communities. Head Start programs either provide transportation services or assist families to arrange transportation of children to program activities. Eligibility and Enrollment Head Start services are for children from birth to compulsory school age, as well as pregnant people and expectant families. Eligible participants include children whose families meet the federal low-income guidelines — that is, whose incomes are at or below the federal poverty guidelines or who participate in Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, Supplemental Security Income, or Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program public assistance services. Other eligible participants include children who are in the foster care system or experiencing homelessness. Programs may also accept a limited number of children who do not meet any of those eligibility criteria. MSHS programs have specific eligibility requirements for the children of farmworkers. AIAN Head Start programs enroll tribal children from reservations or nearby areas. All programs enroll children with disabilities and welcome children who speak a language other than English at home. As there are generally more eligible children than is supported by program funding, each program maintains a waiting list according to their selection criteria for when a spot becomes available. Program Settings Head Start services are delivered in a variety of settings, sometimes referred to as “options.” This consistent, supportive setting is designed to foster strong relationships between program staff, families, and children. The selection of settings offered by any Head Start program is determined by its assessment of community needs. Center-based services are located in child development centers. More than half of Head Start children are enrolled in center-based services, five days per week, for at least six hours per day. Home-based services are mostly delivered in a family’s own home, along with planned group socialization activities. More than a third of children enrolled in Early Head Start programs receive home-based services. Family child care services are located in a family-based child care setting. Locally-designed services are often delivered through some combination of the above settings, depending on the needs of the community.
about 2 months ago, Monica Blueford
Head Start
Head Start
Head Start
Head Start
Head Start
Head Start programs support children's growth from birth to age 5 through services that support early learning and development, health, and family well-being. Head Start staff actively engage parents, recognizing family participation throughout the program as key to strong child outcomes. Head Start services are available at no cost to children ages birth to 5 in eligible families. Head Start Preschool services work with families with children ages 3 to 5. Early Head Start services work with families with children ages birth to 3; many also serve expectant families. Many programs operate both Head Start Preschool and Early Head Start services. Programs deliver child development services in center-based, home-based, or family childcare settings. All Head Start programs continually work toward our mission for eligible children and families to receive high-quality services in safe and healthy settings that prepare children for school and life. WE ARE HEAD START PROUD!
about 2 months ago, Monica Blueford
We are Head Start proud!
Dear Southeast Early Childhood Center Families, We're thrilled to share that our 100th day of school is just around the corner—falling on Friday, January 31st! To celebrate this special day, we invite all our students to come to school dressed as if they are 100 years old, embracing the “Old School Style.” It’s going to be so much fun!
about 2 months ago, Monica Blueford
Dear Southeast Early Childhood Center Families,  We're thrilled to share that our 100th day of school is just around the corner—falling on Friday, January 31st!  To celebrate this special day, we invite all our students to come to school dressed as if they are 100 years old, embracing the “Old School Style.” It’s going to be so much fun!
Sweetwater ISD buses will also run two hours late.
2 months ago, Sonya Davison
Sweetwater ISD: Sweetwater ISD will have have a 10AM start due to uncertain weather conditions. Though roads are currently clear, there is uncertainty of what they will look like in the next couple of hours. We want to ensure that everyone is able to travel safely.
2 months ago, Sonya Davison
Stock Show: There will be no school on Friday, January 10th.
2 months ago, Monica Blueford
Stock show
SISD Early Release Schedule, Thursday-December 19th. Students return,Tuesday-January 7th. See you soon! #MustangSpirit #ForwardSweetwaterTogether
3 months ago, Angela Andel
Early Release
The SHS Band Boosters and Sweetwater Jaycees and Jayteens have teamed up together to support the SHS Color Guard Fundraiser: Merry Mix Dance on Saturday, December 28th from 7:30PM - 11:00 PM! ALL AGES WELCOME! $10 admission fee per person and there will be a concession stand available. The best part is ALL proceeds support the SHS Color Guard. Children under 12 will need to be accompanied by an adult. Help us sponsor our Winter Soloists and send our team to summer camp! Thanks for all your support! Share the word :) See you there! #MustangSpirit #ForwardSweetwaterTogether
4 months ago, Kathy Smartt
Head Start Thanksgiving Lunch at Southeast Elementary. Thank you for the hard work from the cafeteria staff, and the SMS National Honor Society. It was a great success! #MustangSpirit #ForwardSweetwaterTogether
4 months ago, Angela Andel
Please be advised that there will be no school on Monday, November 4th, as it is designated as a teacher workday. Thank you for your understanding.
4 months ago, Monica Blueford
Teacher Work Day
Join our Southeast Early Childhood team and help nurture and educate young children. Your contribution will help them build a strong foundation for a head start in life! Apply online: sweetwaterisd.net
6 months ago, Monica Blueford
Join our Southeast Early Childhood team and help nurture and educate young children.   Your contribution will help them build a strong foundation for a head start in life!