Health and Wellness
Sweetwater ISD has adopted and enforces/complies with vending machine guidelines and food service guidelines. The district also has adopted and enforces penalties for the use of tobacco products by students. Interested persons can view these and all district policies online by going here.
All parents are asked each year to complete a medical care authorization form, providing written parental consent to obtain emergency treatment and information about allergies to medications or drugs. Parents should contact the school nurse to update emergency care information (name of doctor, emergency phone numbers, allergies, etc.). The district may consent to medical treatment, which includes dental treatment, if necessary, for a student if: the district has received written authorization from a person having the right to consent; that person cannot be contacted; and that person has not given the district actual notice to the contrary. The emergency care authorization form will be used by the district when a student’s parent or authorized designee is unable to be contacted. A student may provide consent if authorized by law or court order. Regardless of parental authorization for the district to consent to medical treatment, district employees will contact emergency medical services to provide emergency care when required by law or when deemed necessary, such as to avoid a life-threatening situation.