Safety and Security

The district has developed and promotes a comprehensive program to ensure the safety of its employees, students, and visitors. The safety program includes guidelines and procedures for responding to emergencies and activities to help reduce the frequency of accidents and injuries. Student safety on campus, at school-related events, and in district vehicles is a high priority of the district. The cooperation of students is essential to ensuring school safety. A student is expected to avoid conduct that is likely to put the student or others at risk or set by district employees; remain alert to any safety hazards, such as intruders on campus or threats made by any person toward a student or staff member, and promptly report any incidents to a district employee. A student may make anonymous reports about safety concerns by using the following link: Speak Up For Safety.

To prevent or minimize injuries to employees, coworkers, and students and to protect and conserve district equipment, employees must comply with the following requirements:

  • Observe all safety rules.

  • Keep work areas clean and orderly at all times.

  • Immediately report all accidents to their supervisor.

  • Operate only equipment or machines for which they have training and authorization.

While driving on district business, employees are required to abide by all state and local traffic laws. Employees driving on district business are prohibited from texting and using other electronic devices that require both visual and manual attention while the vehicle is in motion. Employees will exercise care and sound judgment on whether to use hands-free technology while the vehicle is in motion. Employees with questions or concerns relating to safety programs and issues can contact their immediate supervisor. Sweetwater ISD is committed to working with local health departments and infectious disease experts to receive guidance and implement safety protocols to slow the spread of diseases and protect vulnerable students and staff. Sweetwater ISD will also follow the guidance of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to help ensure students are provided safe and healthy learning environments. Efficient, ongoing communication and consultation with staff, parents, and the community is critical to maintaining the trusting relationships that are vital to a healthy and productive learning environment. As a District, it is our duty to reassure the safety in our schools and to coordinate among various stakeholders.