January is School Board Recognition Month in Texas and communities across the state will take a few moments to show their gratitude to our elected school board members. The men and women of our SISD School Board volunteer their time to serve our district and community without compensation for staggered three-year terms.
School Trustee Responsibilities
Our mission in SISD is to ensure that every student is successful in all aspects of their learning. Local school board responsibilities can be grouped into five categories:
Adopt goals and priorities and monitor success.
Adopt policies and review for effectiveness.
Hire and evaluate the superintendent.
Adopt a budget and set a tax rate.
Communicate with the community.
SISD is fortunate to have the following individuals serving on the Board of Trustees: Domingo Castillo (District 1), Tasha Soto (District 2), Mark Garcia (District 3), Jeff Allen (District 4), Matt Weaver (District 5), Dennis Cumbie (At-Large Representative), and Brenda Valdez (At-Large Representative).
Please take a few moments this month and throughout the rest of the school year to thank our wonderful School Board Trustees for investing their time and talents in the children of our community.