Support our Nolan County students by attending the Nolan County Livestock Association Stock Show! #MustangSpirit #whereeachchildmatters
about 2 years ago, Kathy Smartt
NCLA Stock Show
Tasha Soto has served on the SISD Board for 4 years. Tasha & her husband are both Sweetwater graduates & their children currently attend Sweetwater schools. Thank you for your service & dedication to our District! #SchoolBoardMonth #MustangSpirit #whereeachchildmatters
about 2 years ago, Kathy Smartt
School Board - Tasha
Have coffee with our Superintendent Dr. Deidre Parish on Thursday, January 19th, from 7:30 - 9:30am at Argos Brewhouse & Bookseller.
about 2 years ago, Kathy Smartt
Coffee with the Superintendent
Future Sweetwater attended the City Council meeting this morning to learn how our City government operates. #MustangSpirit #whereeachchildmatters
about 2 years ago, Kathy Smartt
Future Sweetwater @ City Council
Congratulations to these students for being selected to be on teams for the FCA All Star games! Tate Thompson, Noel Mekogue, Trinity McGee, Jenika Fuentes and Elise Brockman are pictured with the Region FCA Director, Jamey Calvary. #MustangSpirit #whereeachchildmatters
about 2 years ago, Kathy Smartt
FCA All Stars
Sweetwater ISD will not have school on Friday & Monday (January 13th & 16th). Classes will resume on Tuesday, January 17th. Enjoy your long weekend!
about 2 years ago, Kathy Smartt
Martin Luther King, Jr. School Holiday
Mrs. Tracey Stevens was named an Outstanding Educator and State Champion Vincent Pich scored one of the top three scores in Texas! #MustangSpirit #whereeachchildmatters
about 2 years ago, Kathy Smartt
State Champion Vincent Pich
This is Dennis Cumbie's 5th year on the SISD Board. Dennis, his wife, and both children are Sweetwater graduates. Thank you for your service & dedication to our District! #SchoolBoardMonth #MustangSpirit #whereeachchildmatters
about 2 years ago, Kathy Smartt
School Board - Cumbie
High school students selected to perform in the All-State concerts have competed through auditions to qualify at the state level. All-State is the highest honor a Texas music student can receive. 1,875 students are selected through a process that began with over 70,000 students from around the state vying for this honor to perform in one of 18 ensembles. Only the top 2.6% of musicians who initially audition become All-State musicians. #MustangSpirit #whereeachchildmatters
about 2 years ago, Kathy Smartt
Jaden Doggett, All-State Choir
January is School Board Recognition Month!⭐️ Sweetwater ISD is celebrating our board of trustees for their commitment & dedication to our district and our students! Thank you Domingo Castillo, Tasha Soto, Mark Garcia, Jeff Allen, Matt Weaver, Brenda Valdez and Dennis Cumbie!
about 2 years ago, Kathy Smartt
School Board Appreciation Month
Sweetwater High School Yearbooks & Picture Retakes
about 2 years ago, Kathy Smartt
SHS Yearbooks & Picture Retakes
Eastridge Elementary is proudly wearing their new District shirts! THANK YOU to First Financial Bank of Sweetwater for having our backs! #MustangSpirit #whereeachchildmatters
about 2 years ago, Kathy Smartt
Eastridge & FFB
Sweetwater ISD Wants to Hear From You!
about 2 years ago, Kathy Smartt
Sweetwater ISD Survey
Sweetwater ISD Postcard
Buzzi Unicem’s Bob Stieglitz trained teachers on setting up & the basic operations using the Mill & Lathe they recently donated to Sweetwater High School. #MustangSpirit #whereeachchildmatters
about 2 years ago, Kathy Smartt
Buzzi Partners with SHS
Buzzi Partners with SHS
Buzzi Partners with SHS
Buzzi Partners with SHS
Vincent Pich placed in the top three best-performing students in Texas in Microsoft PowerPoint (Office 2019). His teacher, Mrs. Tracey Stevens has been named one of the Outstanding Microsoft PowerPoint Educators. Congratulations! #MustangSpirit #whereeachchildmatters
about 2 years ago, Kathy Smartt
Vincent Pich
Reminder: We are on Christmas Holiday Break from December 19th until January 3rd! Have Fun, Students!
about 2 years ago, Sweetwater ISD
Sweetwater ISD christmas holiday graphic with the dates december 19th through January 3rd out of school, have fun students!
Family Service Workers sorting Christmas gifts for each child in Early Head Start & Head Start. Toys for Tots——Merry Christmas🎅🏼 #MustangSpirit #whereeachchildmatters
about 2 years ago, Sweetwater ISD
Family Service Workers sorting Christmas gifts for each child in Early Head Start & Head Start
Family Service Workers sorting Christmas gifts for each child in Early Head Start & Head Start
Christmas FUN @ SMS! #MustangSpirit #whereeachchildmatters
about 2 years ago, Sweetwater ISD
students holding up their wrapped gifts with holiday sweaters on in the gym
students holding up their wrapped gifts with holiday sweaters on in the gym
students holding up their wrapped gifts with holiday sweaters on in the gym
staff member standing next to a door with a christmas tree crafted
Today, our Superintendent Dr. Deidre Parish was on the High School campus to listen to teachers. #MustangSpirit #whereeachchildmatters
about 2 years ago, Sweetwater ISD
Superintendent Dr. Deidre Parish on the high school campus speaking to teachers
Thank you to Dr. Deidre Parish's Kindergarten Friends who made beaded candy canes, colored ornaments, handprint Santas and paper chains for the Mustang Red Christmas tree in her office. THANK YOU to the Southeast Elementary students in Dooley, Goolsby, Highsmith, Kenyon, Martinez, Niksich and Thompson for the beautiful decorations! #MustangSpirit #whereeachchildmatters
about 2 years ago, Sweetwater ISD
Red christmas tree next to a book case